What’s it about?
Dani invites you to focus on the rhythm of what you’re playing and in doing so, opens up a new way of approaching phrasing. It’s not about the notes you’re playing, but when you’re playing them.
This Masterclass focuses on subdivisions and delivers three core approaches to pull against them to create tension and release. Dani outlines every idea through in-depth lessons, which are laden with a range of pro-level takeaways ready to elevate your improvisations.
As well as primer exercises and licks, Dani also delivers two long-form solos that bring every approach and idea together. If you’re looking for a phrasing change-up, this is it.
What will I learn?
You will learn how to make statements, how to ride a groove and how to shred it! This all comes down to a key understanding of rhythm. You will learn how thinking in terms of “pulse” can unlock more phrasing opportunities, and do so in both swung and straight settings.
Syncopation, rhythmic groupings and thinking about time in octaves are all key concepts of this Masterclass. With an additional focus on articulation, when to apply techniques and a hefty dollop of outside thinking, you have everything to move away from strict, predictable subdivision-based lines.
Create energy, build tension and know when to bring release. Nail the when of soloing.
What’s theory is covered?
This Masterclass focuses on rhythmic concepts. But also makes use of outside playing, chromaticism, the blues scale, minor pentatonic and a number of modal ideas.
- Swung and straight rhythms
- Subdivisions
- Syncopation
- Sextuplets
- Konnakol
- Rhythmic grouping
- Rhythmic tension
What’s techniques are covered?
- Double stops
- Whammy bar
- Legato
- Bending
- Slides
Who is this for?
You might know what to play, but do you know when to play it? If you want to develop a fresh approach to phrasing, then this is for you. A game-changing skill for all players.