What’s it about?
The world of jazz is expansive. This Masterclass brings it into focus. Josh shows you where to start, and the destination to build to, one level at a time.
Each chapter is based on a different concept, and Josh’s detailed lessons explain everything you need to know. You’re given a primer lick to get loose, an improv lick to see how Josh uses the idea in context and a “challenge” lick designed to test your application.
In chapters 01-04 and 06-09, there are exercises to learn and perfect the ideas and in 05 and 10 Josh unleashes a solo. With additional backing track lessons and a PDF guide, this highly structured Masterclass stands out as an essential resource for developing a complete understanding of jazz.
What will I learn in each chapter?
Chapter 01 - Home Scales
Develop melodies through changes with common shapes. Note: this level also features a breakdown of the backing track.
Chapter 02 - Guide tones
Use the 3rd and 7th of each chord to outline the changes.
Chapter 03 - Arpeggios
Focus on colourful arpeggios common in jazz.
Chapter 04 - Enclosures
Targeting notes within a chord and accentuating guide tones.
Chapter 05 - Solo 01
A “pit stop” where you combine the concepts from previous levels.
Chapter 06 - Inside Pentatonic Shifting
Outline chord changes that modulate keys with pentatonic scales with minimal fretboard movement. Note: this level also features a breakdown of the backing track for levels 01-05
Chapter 07 - Colour Tones
Understand the minor and major intervals that offer an “outside” tonality.
Chapter 08 - Chromatacism
Use chromaticism to extend lines and build tension and release.
Chapter 09 - Melodic Minor
Add spice to your vocabulary with the major 7th over a minor chord.
Chapter 10 - Solo 02
The final solo! A challenge you can come back to and master over time.
Who’s it for?
This is for players who are making their first steps into the world of jazz. This is for players looking to level up their understanding of a style unafraid of risks. Structured, focused and ready to raise your jazz game.